About Jenny & Dorothy

Mark Making

Potential Memory

Potential Memory

Darker Studio Cycle

Darker Studio Cycle

Darker Studio Cycle

The First Art Party

The First Art Party

Summer Bacchanal

Summer Bacchanal

Rites of Spring

Rites of Spring

Tattooed Parlor

Tattooed Parlor

Evening of Mourning

Evening of Mourning

Autumn Bacchanal

Autumn Bacchanal

Waxing Moon

Waxing Moon

Salon Fantasia



The Beautiful & the Grotesque

The Beautiful & the Grotesque

Artist & Muse

Artist & Muse


House of Darker Invites You… at The Living Gallery

House of Darker Invites You… at The Living Gallery

Camerata Erotica at Euridice Gallery

Camerata Erotica at Euridice Gallery

The Living Gallery 7th Anniversary

The Living Gallery 7th Anniversary

Public Salons & Mixers

Tableaux Art Salon & Mixer

Tableaux Art Salon & Mixer